School Day

Working Together, Aiming High, Shining Brightly
Let your light shine before others - Matthew 5:16


Our School Day

  • 8.00 - 8.50am:     Breakfast Club
  • 8.50 am:               Doors open – children go to classes
  • 9.00 am:               School begins
  • 12.00 - 1.15pm:   Lunch break
  • 3.30 pm:               End of school day
  • 3.30 - 5.30pm:     After School Club


At 10.15 am all the children have a 15 minute break time. A wide variety of equipment and activities are provided across our two playgrounds.

Children under 5 receive a free carton of milk daily. 

Children in Years FS, 1 and 2 receive a piece of fruit or vegetable daily free of charge.



The children eat lunch in the village hall from 12 noon and then return to school for playtime until 1.15 pm.

Drop-off and Collection

At the beginning and end of the school day, parents are encouraged into the playground. This helps to build up a close relationship between home and school – we want to have good links with all parents. If normal arrangements have to be altered (eg you are delayed or another person is collecting your child), please let us know. There are forms for this purpose in the entrance hall. This avoids any confusion or upset.

Time spent teaching

The total amount of time spent on teaching during the normal school week is 23 hours and 30 minutes at Key Stage 2 and 22 hours and 30 minutes at Key Stage 1. This does not include the time for registration, assembly, break or lunchtime.

Before and After School Clubs

We are very pleased to be able to provide a before and after school club. The before school club begins at 8.00am and the after school club ends at 5.30pm. Both these provisions have limited spaces and have to be booked and paid for in advance.

After School Activities

There are opportunities for children to be involved in clubs after school.

Currently, we run, free of charge, a regular Sports Club, Games Club, Multi-skills Club and Chess Club. More details about P.E. based clubs can be found on our P.E. page.

A Gymnastics Club, Dance Class and a Soccer Skills Club are run by outside agencies and are charged for separately